1-on-1 Mentor Request

1-on-1 Mentor Support

UMTR2ME provides hope, support and encouragement through e-mail, text messaging, phone conversations, social media, and resources located on our website.  All of these options allow UMTR2ME to literally reach thousands of individuals across the globe.  However, realizing there are times when nothing can substitute for personal interaction between individuals, we offer two types of personal 1-on-1 mentor options.  Review the options below then select the California bear button to complete an intake form.

1) Southern California 
If you live in southern California, you can request one of the in person 1-on-1 mentor session options below.
Self or Family/Friend

2) National and International
If you live north of Los Angeles or in another state or country, you can request a video Zoom mentor session option below.
Self or Family/Friend

Although some members of UMTR2ME have obtained and maintain current certification in areas such as individual and group crisis intervention, as well as suicide prevention; at this time no UMTR2ME representative is a licensed medical provider, therapist or counselor.  All 1-on-1 mentor meetings, conducted by UMTR2ME, are done so in a manner to encourage and help individuals seek proper professional care by a licensed health care provider.  At no time will any representative of UMTR2ME give advice with regard to medical treatment and or make medication recommendations. UMTR2ME will always recommend and make referrals to seek out properly trained and licensed medical professionals, and health care providers.